Friday, June 02, 2006

few more pics

Went on a really fun ATV tour with Alaska Earth Sciences geologist Andy the other night. We buzzed up the road towards Hatcher Pass but it's still not passable due to snow. Apparently the state will plow it only after July 4, if needed. We also went down to one of the creeks in the valley to the south. Good fun. A couple of pics from this outing and from Jo's wanderings while mapping are on the Flickr site. She took a few nice shots of the old turn-of-the-century workings.


Lesley said...

I love the timing of clearing the pass, you are on a little different schedule up there. speaking of which how is the 24 hour light treating you? Getting nutty yet? How do you know you are nutty if everyone is?

Anonymous said...

Where's your helmet?

Anonymous said...

joel we are enjoying the blog. I show Grandma when she is here. She looks at your picture and says hi Joel. Stay safe. LOve you Sheila

jo and joel said...

Down in Chignik Bay, it gets dark it isn't so bad here on the peninsula. Nutty is all relative....

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

Anonymous said...

Joel & JO...this is Aunt Barbara....all of your adventures are so interesting to us...Uncle Delmar spent ll years in Alaska in the late 4o's & early 50"s...he was at Sandpoint early on...your life sounds great..

Anonymous said...

Joel & JO...this is Aunt Barbara....all of your adventures are so interesting to us...Uncle Delmar spent ll years in Alaska in the late 4o's & early 50"s...he was at Sandpoint early on...your life sounds great..